Monthly Archives: December 2012

Wolf Bill Up On House Floor!

Dear MUCC Members,

We’re almost there. Thanks to your efforts in contacting your legislators, SB 1350 has passed a Senate

Committee, the full Senate, and now the House Natural Resources Committee, too. We’re not done yet,

though: the bill to authorize a wolf hunting season is up on the House floor, and could be voted on as soon as tomorrow!

Please contact your State Representative today, and if you have already done so, encourage your friends and family to do the same. The more the merrier.

Contact your Rep today and tell them that you support science based management for wolves that the people asked for through Proposal G in 1996. Respectfully ask your representative to vote “YES” on SB 1350 when it comes up for a vote on the House floor.
Find Your Representative Here!

Thank you,
